Hema Hema


Every 12 years, a group of people gather in a forest, wearing masks and explained the ‘Mirror stage’.


Mirror stage

The idea of the “mirror stage” is an important early component in Lacan’s critical reinterpretation of the work of Freud. Drawing on work in physiology and animal psychology, Lacan proposes that human infants pass through a stage in which an external image of the body (reflected in a mirror, or represented to the infant through the mother or primary caregiver) produces a psychic response that gives rise to the mental representation of an “I”. The infant identifies with the image, which serves as a gestalt of the infant’s emerging perceptions of selfhood, but because the image of a unified body does not correspond with the underdeveloped infant’s physical vulnerability and weakness, this imago is established as an Ideal-I toward which the subject will perpetually strive throughout his or her life.

拉康提出过这样的理论,小孩子在婴儿阶段,通过不断在镜子中观看自己的影子,通过自己能够控制的身体的动作和其在镜子中呈现的一一对应的反馈,确定了一个自我。稍微大一点之后,这张镜子就变成了父母的表情,身边各色人物的语气和态度,老师手里的皮带,以后又变成被人类奉为真理的传统和各种训诫,你的工资和对家人的责任等等,这面镜子告诉你可以各种这样,不可以那样。因此拉康认为这个自我是伪的,因为这是镜子或别人塑造/要求的 ,是按别人的看法扭曲一个更真实的你自己的愿望而表现出来的伪自我,如相同一个人如果生在藏族,他不能喝马奶,如果生在蒙古就能喝,人还是一样的人,但是镜子对你的要求不一样,你按照从小培养的习惯表现出来的也就是他者定义的,不是真实的你自己,拉康还有一个专门的名称给这个,叫他者。

